Page 99 - Arvind 2024
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Corporate Overview
Statutory Reports
Financial Statements
transfer shares of Members whose dividends remain unpaid / unclaimed for a continuous period of seven years to the demat account of IEPF Authority. The Members whose dividend / shares are transferred to the IEPF Authority can claim their shares / dividend from the Authority.
The following tables give information relating due dates for transfer of dividend unclaimed to IEPF are as follows:
Financial Year
Rate of Dividend
Date of Declaration of Dividend
Due date for transfer to IEPF*
No Dividend
No Dividend
No Dividend
No Dividend
No Dividend
August 05, 2019
August 02, 2023
- October 09, 2026 -
October 06, 2030
* Actual date of transfer may vary
12.19 Address for correspondence:
Shareholders may correspond with the Company at the Registered Office of the Company or at the office of Registrars and Transfer Agents of the Company:
Arvind SmartSpaces Limited
Secretarial Department
24 Government Servant’s Society,
Near Municipal Market, Off C. G. Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad- 380009
Phone No: 079-68267000 Fax No. : 079-68267021 e-mail : [email protected]
Website address:
Link Intime India Private Limited
506-508, Amarnath Business Centre-1 (abc-1), Beside Gala Business Centre,
Near St. Xavier’s College Corner,
Off C G Road, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006.
Tel No E-mail id Website
: +91 79 26465179 /86 / 87
: [email protected] :
13.1 During the year under review, there are no materially significant related party transactions i.e. transactions of the Company of material nature, with its promoters, directors or the management, their subsidiaries or relatives etc. that may have potential conflicts with the interest of the Company at large or which warrants the approval of the shareholders. Suitable disclosure as required under INDAS 24 has been made in the Annual Report. The Related Party Transaction Policy as approved by the Board can be accessed at the following Web-link: https://
13.2 Transactions with related parties are disclosed in detail in “Notes forming part of the Accounts” annexed to the financial statements for the year. There were no related party transactions having potential conflict with the interest of the Company at large.
13.3 There are no pecuniary relationships or transactions of Non-Executive Directors vis-à-vis the Company which has potential conflict with the interests of the company at large.
13.4 No Strictures or penalties have been imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchanges or by the Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or by any statutory authority on any matters related to capital markets during the last three years i.e. 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24.
13.5 The Company has formed the policy for determining material subsidiary as required by under Regulation 16 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and the same can be accessed at the following Web-link: https://www.
The Audited Annual Financial Statements of Subsidiary Companies are tabled at the Audit Committee and Board Meetings.
Copies of the Minutes of the Board Meetings of Subsidiary Companies are placed before the Board of the Company.
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