Page 83 - Arvind 2024
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     Corporate Overview
Statutory Reports
Financial Statements
services (b) financial or business literacy/skills (c) real estate industry experience and the same are available among the Board collectively.
 Sr. No.
Name of Director
     Mr. Sanjay S. Lalbhai
   Mr. Kamal Singal
   Mr. Kulin S. Lalbhai
2 3
4 Mr. Pratul Shroff
5 Mr. Prem Prakash Pangotra
6 Mr. Nirav Shah
7 Ms. Pallavi Vyas
8 Mr. Vipul Roongta
Industrialist, Entrepreneur, Board Service & Governance, strategic thinking, track record of spotting disruptive opportunities ahead of time, ability to take calibrated risk, Sales and marketing including an understanding of consumer markets in India etc.
Expertise in construction and real estate development along with product delivery, production planning, quality control, technology advancement, financial planning, formulation and its implementation of Strategies. Industrialist, Entrepreneur, Technology Expert, Sales and marketing including an understanding of consumer markets in India, innovation management to ensure continuing relevance of Company’s offerings under changing market etc.
Entrepreneur, Expertise in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT). Expertise in Urban Management, Urban Economics, Environment Management and Public Finance.
Entrepreneur, Industrialist, Expertise in International Business Strategies and Corporate Finance.
Expertise in Economics, Public Policy etc. Interest in Labor Economics, Human Capital Theory, Public Health and Development Economics. Expertise in Mortgages, Banking, Economics, Real Estate etc.
                2.4 Agendas of the Board and Committee Meetings:
The annual calendar of Board and Committee Meetings is agreed upon at the beginning of each year. Meetings are governed by a structured Agenda and a Board member may bring up any matter for consideration of the meeting in consultation with the Chairman. Agenda papers are generally circulated to the Board members at least 7 working days in advance. In addition, for any business exigencies the resolutions are passed by circulation and are placed at the subsequent Board or Committee Meeting for ratification/approval. Detailed presentations are made at the meetings on all major issues to enable the Board to take informed decisions.
Invitees & Proceedings:
Apart from the Board members, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Company Secretary also attend the Board Meetings. Other senior management executives are called as and when necessary, to provide additional inputs for the items being discussed by the Board. Managing Director, COO and CFO make presentation on the quarterly, annual operating & financial performance and also on annual operating budget.
Head of Internal Audit department and representatives of the Statutory Auditors are the permanent invitees of the Audit Committee meetings to discuss the areas of internal audit and financial reporting requirements.
The Company also invites prominent experts of the Real Estate Industry to make relevant presentation to the Board / Committee as and when required.
Support and Role of Company Secretary:
The Company Secretary is responsible for convening the Board and Committee meetings, preparation and distribution of Agenda and other documents and recording of the Minutes of the meetings. He acts as interface between the Board and the Management and provides required assistance to the Board and the Management.
2.5 Attendance of each Director at the meeting of the Board of Directors and the Last Annual General Meeting:
The Board has held 4 (four) Board Meetings on May 19, 2023, August 2, 2023, November 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024 during the FY 23-24. The gap between two Board Meetings was within the maximum time gap prescribed in the Companies Act, 2013 and Listing Regulations. The attendance of each Director at these Board Meetings and last Annual General Meeting was as under:
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