Page 286 - Arvind 2024
P. 286
[Pursuant to first proviso to Sub - Section (3) of Section 129 read with Rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014]
Statement Containing Salient Features of the Financial Statement of Subsidiaries or Associate Companies or Joint Ventures
1. Latest Audited Balance Sheet Date
2. Shares of Joint Ventures Held by the Company on the year
Not Applicable 0.50
Part “B”: Joint Venture
(Rs. in Lac)
Sr. No
Arvind Bsafal Homes LLP
end i) ii) iii)
Amount of Investment in joint Ventures Extend of Holding %
Capital Contribution Ratio : 50%
Profit Sharing Ratio : 41%
LLP Agreement allows the Company
to exercise significant influence in the operating and financial decision making
Not Applicable as accounts are consolidated 37.25
Description of how there is significant influence
4. Reason why the joint venture is not consolidated
5. Net worth attributable to shareholding as per latest Audited
Balance sheet
6. Profit/(Loss) for the year
i) Considered in Consolidation
ii) Not Considered in Consolidation
For and on Behalf of Board of Directors of
Arvind SmartSpaces Limited
Sanjay Lalbhai
DIN : 00008329
Prakash Makwana
Company Secretary
Place : Ahmedabad Date : May 6,2024
1.40 2.02
284 | Arvind SmartSpaces Limited
Kamal Singal
DIN : 02524196