Page 134 - Arvind 2024
P. 134
c. Different types of waste recovered or disposed by the entity, in the previous financial year:
Category of waste (in metric tonnes)
Other recovery operations
Other disposal operations
Plastic waste 0 0 0 0 0 0
E-waste 000000
Bio-medical waste
Construction and demolition waste
Battery waste
Radioactive waste
Other hazardous waste, if any
Other non-hazardous waste generated, if any
Total (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H)
0 0 0
100 200 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
100 200 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
10. Briefly describe the waste management practices adopted in your establishments. Describe the strategy adopted by your company to reduce usage of hazardous and toxic chemicals in your products and processes and the practices adopted to manage such wastes.:
Arvind SmartSpaces has incorporated an internal mechanism that emphasizes waste categorization as an initial step of waste management. This involves the division of waste into varied classes, according to their nature and disposal necessities.
Subsequent to this classification, the waste is meticulously segregated and stored in distinct zones designated for each type. This systematic arrangement allows for convenient and efficient handling of wastes and it facilitates proper disposal measures. The disposal process is conducted at prescribed intervals, ensuring timely removal of waste from the facilities and thus preventing any potential accrual or accumulation. Our disposal methodology complies with appropriate disposal techniques that are stringent, responsible, and in alignment with regulatory standards.
11. If the entity has operations/offices in/around ecologically sensitive areas (such as national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves, wetlands, biodiversity hotspots, forests, coastal regulation zones etc.) where environmental approvals / clearances are required, please specify details in the following format:
Notes: All of our projects are located in premises which have the requisite building permits, including environmental approvals for carrying out the operations.
12. Details of environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken by the entity based on applicable laws, in the current financial year:
13. Is the entity compliant with the applicable environmental law/ regulations/ guidelines in India; such as the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Environment protection act and rules thereunder (Y/N). If not, provide details of all such non-compliances, in the following format:
S. No.
Location of operations/ offices
Type of operations
Whether the conditions of environmental approval/ clearance are being complied with?
If no, the reasons thereof and corrective action taken, if any.
Name and brief details of project
EIA notification No.
Whether conducted by independen t external agency
Results communica ted in public domain
Relevant web link
S. No.
Specify the law/ regulation/guidelines which was not complied with
Provide details of the non-compliance
Any fines / penalties / action taken by regulatory agencies such as pollution control boards or by courts
Corrective action taken, if any
132 | Arvind SmartSpaces Limited