Corporate Social Responsibility

Through SHARDA Trust, the company’s CSR vehicle, Arvind is committed to upgrading the standards of municipal schools in Ahmedabad and work towards building a pool of bright and employable youth. Today, over 900 students each year from five municipal schools benefit from the supplemental English, Mathematics and Computer education provided at our three learning centers that are equipped with state of the art facilities.

Upgrading Slums
Arvind in a partnership with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation developed a model to upgrade the slums of Ahmedabad. These slums house about 30% of the population that live in the most disadvantaged circumstances. In a highly documented and successful initiative a dwelling of over 181 hutments, housing 1200 people, was provided with improved surroundings and access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation facilities in individual houses.

Vocational Training
We initiated vocational training programmes to enhance and develop the skill of unemployed youth and help them take up Garment Operative jobs within Arvind and other garment manufacturing firms in Ahmedabad. In another initiative, Arvind has organized programmes in English and Computer Application to equip students with relevant knowledge and skills and find suitable job openings for them. This enables the students to seek better employment opportunities in organizations.
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